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Interesting results from delay builds

Started by bajaguy, November 19, 2012, 09:46:23 PM

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I just got my 2 new delays up and running. I chose a Cave Dweller II Dub Edition, and a Sea Urchin to see what I was actually looking for in a delay. I was impressed with both builds, as they had really different sounds. I had read so much about the Cave Dweller being dark that I was really suprised at how uncolored and transparent it was compared to the Sea Urchin. I love the adjustablility of the Sea Urchin, but I think the filitering colors the signal a bit much for my taste. I did notice the PT2399 noise at the longer delays, but I don't know that it bothered me much. They both have some wild self oscillation, and the slapback on both was superb. I'm going to spend a week or so running through a few mods one each one before I paint the enclosures and box them up for good.

I've been kicking around building an Echo Base, but I'm torn between pulling the trigger and waiting out the Zero Point Deluxe from Bean. For those who have built the Echo Base, how would you procede?



I've built perhaps 5 Echobases.

I'd wait for the Zero Point, but not because I think it will slay the Echobase, but because I think you might really like it. The Echobase is a wonderful delay, but newer is often much more exciting.

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I had an Echobase and stupidly sold it. I wish I had not, it is a great delay project.

However, I am going to build another EB and also a Zero Point and decide from there. You might consider populating both pcb's and play them through a test rig to pick the one you like best and then commit to boxing it up.

You shound have no trouble selling (or trading) the populated Echobase or Zero point pcb to a member here.


I went on a search to find a modulated delay and went with the echo base.. i out grew out quickly. Not sure why.. it is what it is, which is good but just funky with the mod and speed adjustments. I currently use the small time echo which is very crisp yet decays nice with that analog effect. Very consistent and covers all ranges. Im in on the zero point as well.


Quote from: 9Lives on November 20, 2012, 06:10:02 AM
I went on a search to find a modulated delay and went with the echo base.. i out grew out quickly. Not sure why.. it is what it is, which is good but just funky with the mod and speed adjustments. I currently use the small time echo which is very crisp yet decays nice with that analog effect. Very consistent and covers all ranges. Im in on the zero point as well.

What I found was that the stock B100K pot for the depth of the modulation was too much. Using either an A50K or B25K worked much better.

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