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EGO Driver no more working

Started by desmoben, April 11, 2014, 03:36:47 PM

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Hi All,
I have a Egodriver that was working well for 1 year but now it became to have some problem.
Even with Gain and Vol set at max, the sound is very very low (you can jsut hear a distortion but like your amp were at 1 with your guitar volume at 1)
I have tried with my audio probe and sound is very heavy (more than standard input) up to R7. On left side of R7 the sound is high, on right side is very very low.
I have changed the TL082 with a TL072 and same problem so I guess this does not come from the IC.

I have wired the clip 3 and 2 and did not put any LED in D3 and D4.

Gain is a 500k and Volume is a 100k (only mods compare to original).
C7 is tantalum.

Anyway, this does not come from the MODs as it worked during 1 year...

Any help is more than welcome.
Best regards,


Hey Ben, which board are you working with?  Etched/Fabbed?  Can you post pictures?  Voltages off the IC would be helpful too.

If was working for a year then stopped I personally would suspect broken wires, broken connections to the PCB/switch/jacks...especially if it was constructed using solid core.  Low output may indicate a problem with the power supply section.  Try reflowing some joints?

Taking the PCB out of the box and throwing it on a test rig with new wires could be helpful in determining if it is a PCB issue or external wiring/3PDT switch issue.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


thank you for your fast answer.
PCB I used was the last version available with PCB mounted pots.
I have unwired (cut) the in/out/9V/ground wires from the pedal and it still did not work properly so no problem from the 3PDT switch part.

However, after having tested this, I have removed the three plastic knobs to remove PCB from box and one got its screw unworkable so while removing the gain knob I broke the gain pot.
I will order a new one so it will need some time before I can get the IC voltage.

I will keep posted once I will receive my new pot and will have some time to come back on it
Thanks for your answer.