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Tonebender Help Needed

Started by mjcyates, November 19, 2012, 03:14:27 PM

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I just built a two knob tonebender using this project file
and these transistors from smallbear
Transistor Set - TB Pro MK II PNP - Generic
(PNP "MK II Generic")
HTC: 8541.10.0080
The effect is working however with the effect dimed the output level is still way below unity gain. Just wondering if anyone has had the experience before and can point me in the right direction.


Looks like I got it figured out. I had the pinout for Q3 wrong and I had to change 2 resistor values.


build that bad-boy with TLC and make sure you use sockets for the trannys so you can fiddle-fart with different types.
then order 4 pastyface boards from the bean and try the different builds. (I love em all)
sola is my favorite !
smallbear will hook you up with a AWESOME set of trannys, dont bother going anywhere else    ::)
Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !