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KingSlayer project

Started by Neurowork, September 16, 2012, 12:16:45 PM

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Thanks for the advice.

It turned out to be a Tone Pot solder issue.
I also realized that my DC plug was NOT isolated which is obviously an issue with negative pin.
Besides that, the build works great.

Cheers to you all



I have the same issue with all clippers lifted and gain cranked.  No biggie as I'd never crank the gain past noon.

A couple of things I'd like to verify.  I have LEDs in D8 and D9 and they and not lighting unless the gain is pretty high or I strum REALLY hard.  Definitely a higher threshold than I have seen on other circuits.

EDIT: Scratch the part about the opamp distortion.  This thing has a heck of a lot of output and was saturating my preamp and that's what I was hearing.


Have the same issue with the stuttering sound at full gain. Besides that the pedal sounds great..

But i also noticed that there is no difference in sound between middle position and left position of the clip switch..
Any idea what's causing that?



From the build doc:

Quote09.17 Update: A couple have people have pointed out that running the Kingslayer at the max gain
setting with both the soft and hard clipping diodes lifted caused some motor-boating and/or
oscillation. This is due to the higher gain produced by using 1M for R11. For the most part, you do not
want to use the max gain setting with no diodes, but it does sound pretty good up to the half-way
point (before harsh op-amp clipping sets in). If you want to avoid this situation altogether, socket R11
and try some lower values, something between 470-750k. Keep in mind that this will also reduce the
max gain when the clipping diodes are engaged, so it may require testing a couple values to find the
best balance for your needs.


Ok! I wont crank it all the way up anyway so thats cool..

But do you know what might cause the behaviour of the clip switch?



any suggestions please...  :'(


Quote from: ringleader on November 07, 2012, 01:28:51 PM
any suggestions please...  :'(

Check continuity on your switch to the diodes, and double check your soldering on the diodes or make sure they're making good contact with the sockets if you used sockets.

If you used LEDs and that's the position you're talking about, LED clipping is very mild and you might just not be noticing it. Does it stutter in the LED position?