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Tonebender Professional MKii

Started by pryde, October 10, 2012, 10:33:47 PM

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Sexy! 8)

That's a gutshot to remember, being a fan of «mojo», this is what i do like to see!

The enlcosure is super nice aswell, great job mang!
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

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Quote from: pryde on October 11, 2012, 08:10:37 PM
I wasn't familiar with Basic Audio but it does look sorta like some of his builds after checking them out.

Many sources recommended a Q3c voltage of ~4.5 although I read the originals where higher. I started at 4.5 and went up from there and started finding it sounding good at about 5.7v. I will still continue to bias it at louder volumes so we will see where I end up. What Q3c bias was the originals at?

Basically mine gets more raw, raspy and more gated as the Q3c voltage is increased

Also, I may at some point play with Q2 bias but for now it is really sweet.
Yeah, I figured you'd read the 4.5V Q3c thing, that comes from people assuming it's like a fuzz face and that's why I mentioned it being low, originals were more in the 7.2V range or higher IIRC, not to say that's the magic number for everyone.

Somewhere on D*A*M there's a list of original unit voltages (and I think transistor gains and leakages) which are suprising.
Works at Lectric-FX


Pretty clean, like the long leads on the OC's!
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