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Current Lover & Pork Barrel

Started by angrykoko, October 08, 2012, 12:16:53 PM

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Green one is Pork Barrel
Purple one is Current Lover
They weren't' too bad to build, just a ton of parts.  Except for wiring the input jack backwards on Pork Barrel, both fired up first time.
I swear, I have this major brain block when I place orders.. I ALWAYS forget the knobs!  Squeeze Bacon has some left over knobs I found laying around.
Now to learn some cure songs :)

Pork Barrel

Current Lover

Look good in the chain :)
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Run them at 15v if you aren't already, especially the flanger


Cant, built using the cool audio chip.. I'm stuck in 9v land. 

I put the jumpers on the bottom of the boards so I could easily swap later, but I also only have 9v power supplies from the spyder I built... I guess that's what a road rage would help with (haven't looked at them)??

I'm really (really) enjoying these 2 builds.. I kind of built them to entertain my wife with some songs she likes but, I'm finding that they really mask my crappy playing quite well with most everything.
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


I've been thinking of running a 15V supply from my Colosallus to my porkbarrel, but have to experiment some to see if it gives enough mA. Might as well put them in one enclosure then.... I'll try to remember to post my findings  ;)

Great builds btw! And good to hear you like their sound. Porkbarrel is my favorite DIY pedal so far, even at 9V. Got 2 more boards from Brian, one to experiment with and one to do my final, end-all chorus pedal. Love it!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


I would recommend the ADA flanger clone if you like chorus/flange
The sounds are to DIE for. Chorus is beautiful. Flange is stunning.

No cuss to Brian, the CL and PB are both on my board due to size, but if the ADA was smaller Id be all over it.


I like both of these builds--no B.S. colors and labeling, and good wiring as well. My PB is still the DIY build I'm happiest with, and yes, my wife and kids actually like it too! Been busting out Cure songs.

I notice Mojo Musical Supply has MN3007s for like $6.00 each, and they are a reputable dealer. Makes me want to try the current lover at 15v! Even that ADA board from Moosopotamus is tempting--it looks like a difficult build but not too crazy.


Quote from: Bret608 on October 09, 2012, 08:27:10 PM
I like both of these builds--no B.S. colors and labeling, and good wiring as well. My PB is still the DIY build I'm happiest with, and yes, my wife and kids actually like it too! Been busting out Cure songs.

I notice Mojo Musical Supply has MN3007s for like $6.00 each, and they are a reputable dealer. Makes me want to try the current lover at 15v! Even that ADA board from Moosopotamus is tempting--it looks like a difficult build but not too crazy.

Thanks!  Yeah the no B.S. is a function of lack of patience  with decorating.. and they are easy to read :)

Wow your right about mojo having them for 6.00, that's a great price.  Shame they are out of the 3101's.
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Quote from: LaceSensor on October 09, 2012, 03:32:48 PM
I would recommend the ADA flanger clone if you like chorus/flange
The sounds are to DIE for. Chorus is beautiful. Flange is stunning.

No cuss to Brian, the CL and PB are both on my board due to size, but if the ADA was smaller Id be all over it.

That's funny, I checked out the moosapotomus site a while ago but forgot about those projects.  I really dig the dirtly bird demos too. I'll have to check out the ADA later, I'm kind of running out of time this year for building because we're building a house and I'll have to get this one cleaned up soon.  What I'm really missing is  phaser, the ross phaser seems to be calling me.
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.