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RunOffGroove Splitter-Blend issue. Move if needed!

Started by CarpathiART, September 05, 2012, 03:59:12 PM

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I don´t know if this is the right place to post this, so feel free to move this topic but here I go...

I finished the ROG Splitter-Blend pedal yesterday and have at least one issue with it. Here´s the link to the site with schematics and to the PCB layout for you pro´s to take a look

So everything is soldered nice and clean and no bridges. So everything is like it supposed to be by the PCB layout. I did wire the footswitch the MadBean way and for ground I used the four leads near the "green return" lead on the right side of the PCB as well as the four leads next to each other on the other side of the board. All the inputs/returns and outputs/returns are grounded. Now, there´s the "green loop" and the "red loop". The Pot is to balance between those two loops but here´s the thing:

The "red loop" plays with the same input volume as the signal goes in the circuit and if I set for example a fuzz pedal in the loop with the volume turned down and the "blend pot" turned so it´s the only loop mixed into the output I don´t hear anything, which is just the way it should. But when I turn the pot all the way to the other end I have the "green loop" playing about 3rd of the original volume, so there seems to be a great deal of level/signal loss. AND I don´t even have to mix the "red loop" in one bit since it plays on top of everything with that full force! So simply put: red channel plays ALL THE TIME, no matter how the blend pot is set and the green loop is just very quiet underneath it. I just can´t get the green loop to play as loud as the red loop, nor can I mix the red loop out at all.

And ideas? Maybe you can make something out of the schematics since I really don´t understand everything about it.

Thanks for advance guys!


What I should have done originally is check the IC´s.. I checked each one of the pins for voltage and everything seemed just fine. Then I switched the places of the TL072´s and the error was reversed to the other loop. So now I´m guessing the other IC is just damaged. Tomorrow I´m going to the store and get a few more TL027´s and check the problem.



So now I destroyed the PCB version, went and bought a piece of prefboard and now it works! Same parts and everything. Maybe before new year I get to show off what a beast I´ve been working on. :)