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Red Llama (non-madbean build)

Started by televisiondown, August 04, 2012, 10:21:48 PM

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This is the GGG WHRL in a Mammoth Tiger Red Sparkle 125B (which is more of an orange-red). Not a fan of the GGG kits so far. I bought 3 of them and have had trouble with all 3 so far. The solder that's included in the kit did something to my solder tip and I had to use a lot of solder braid to fix everything. I was sure it was me until I bought some Kester and managed to fix everything in just a few minutes. Also, this was my 1st attempt at waterslide decals (be nice).

The pedal is's got a huge volume boost to it. I've been playing it with the fuzz set very low. It's got a lot of bass to it and the little bit of fuzz warms up the sound a lot. I love how the distortion reacts dynamically to your playing. Great pedal!
"Be more constructive with your feedback, please" ~Jemaine Clement


Cool looking pedal bro!

I'm a noob and have had the same trouble with certain solders.  I've learned that I work best with a thinner solder (.031 works for me) and definitely don't go unleaded.


Yup, .031 is what I got! Thanks from another noob.
"Be more constructive with your feedback, please" ~Jemaine Clement


Good choice of colour ;)
Very tidy build, nice work


I actually really liked the GGG solder and emailed and got the info to buy a roll at mouser. After using it for a while it was destroying the tips on my iron. But that was my first iron and was a cheapy. The solder is lead free, which I notice is almost impossible to get a clean shiny looking solder joint.

I have 3/4 of a roll if anyone wants to buy some. Although this is a thread about people who DONT like it hahaha.


Lead free solder will eat a lot of cheap iron tips. I wore one down to a nub pretty early on.

If you upgrade your iron, chances are you'll get one that takes clad tips. I've used the same tip for as many as 10 builds with lead-free solder before noticing a breakdown on even a pencil tip. Granted, you'll still lose the tip eventually and you won't be able to use the same tip forever like you can with lead.

Definitely one of my favorite circuits - super simple and leaves a lot of your tone intact. Much more punchy than a lot of other circuits that use the 4049UBE.


The waterslide looks good! Hope to try my first soon. How did the clearcoating go?


Quote from: midwayfair on August 05, 2012, 11:01:44 PM
Definitely one of my favorite circuits - super simple and leaves a lot of your tone intact. Much more punchy than a lot of other circuits that use the 4049UBE.

Jon - I really love the sound of this pedal. I might just leave it on all the time.

Quote from: Bret608 on August 06, 2012, 01:47:11 PM
The waterslide looks good! Hope to try my first soon. How did the clearcoating go?

Thanks, you should have seen it before I applied the clear! I used some clear coat from Michael's Crafts that I had some trouble with. It crackled whenever I tightened all the pots and jacks. The worst part was the LED. I used about 4 or 5 coats, too. Just picked up some minwax polycrylic. I'm hoping that works better.
"Be more constructive with your feedback, please" ~Jemaine Clement