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Honeydripper problems

Started by Hangingmonkey, July 18, 2012, 05:23:04 PM

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Ive recently built a honeydripper and I note that when the pedal is on it isnt doing anything to the sound, Im just getting what sounds like a bypassed signal and turning the knobs and 3p4t isnt doing anything.

The other thing I noticed is that Im getting an output even when I remove the battery.  I initially thought that there may be a wiring issue that is just bypassing the circuit but I got the audio probe out and when I toggle the on/off switch on there is signal going through the PCB in and out.

Im very confused why theres signal going through when the power is off (and also why the signal is unchanged).

Has anyone else had this problem or anyone have any suggestions.

I made the suggested mods as per the BOM:
R5 330k
C2 - 560pF silver mica
R21 - 2k
D3/4 - 1n34a

I'll take some pictures soon.


Quote from: Hangingmonkey on July 18, 2012, 05:23:04 PM
Ive recently built a honeydripper and I note that when the pedal is on it isnt doing anything to the sound, Im just getting what sounds like a bypassed signal and turning the knobs and 3p4t isnt doing anything.

The other thing I noticed is that Im getting an output even when I remove the battery.  I initially thought that there may be a wiring issue that is just bypassing the circuit but I got the audio probe out and when I toggle the on/off switch on there is signal going through the PCB in and out.

Im very confused why theres signal going through when the power is off (and also why the signal is unchanged).

Trust me, you've got a wiring error.  Or a bad 3PDT footswitch.  The fact that you have signal at the board input in both switch positions confirms it.  The unaffected signal you are detecting at the unpowered board output is probably just getting there from a short on the 3PDT or the output jack -- not from the board/circuit itself.

Quote from: Hangingmonkey on July 18, 2012, 05:23:04 PM
I'll take some pictures soon.

Always helpful.  Good luck!


Thanks for your reply
I think I didn't explain myself properly.  What I meant to say was when the stomp switch is off, the signal bypasses as it is meant to and there is no signal through the circuit.  When switched on there is signal in the circuit in and out pads.

Heres some pics. 


Quote from: Hangingmonkey on July 18, 2012, 07:44:27 PM
I think I didn't explain myself properly.  What I meant to say was when the stomp switch is off, the signal bypasses as it is meant to and there is no signal through the circuit.  When switched on there is signal in the circuit in and out pads.

Are you getting affected signal, unaffected signal or no signal when the effect is switched on?

Oh, and if you're testing outside of an enclosure you should ground both of your jacks.


You were right it was a wiring issue. I just crocodile clipped everything together and now its working. Im not sure where exactly I screwed up but clearly it was the wiring.
Thanks mate.


Cool!  Glad you got it working.  Have fun!


Wiring accounts for a good 1/2 of builds gone bad. Your in/out jacks do not appear to be grounded in that photo which may have been the problem.