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Started by HM, October 15, 2010, 11:51:16 PM

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Hi I can recommend to do to increase the volume of the amplifier in the crunch channel, a booster does not yield a volume pedal and I do not like..

Thanks !!

I forgot to clarify that said, some type EWS Xotic subtle volume control


Are you saying "I am looking for a volume boost in the crunch channel of my amp" ?

What amp do you have?  Does it have an effects loop?

Contract PCB designer


I have a soldano hot rod xl100plus,  but wanted an alternative that is not for the effects loop or with a volume pedal..



Not sure what you are looking for is possible. The amp would need two switchable Master Volumes or a built in boost or you would have to boost post preamp (i.e. through the effects loop). Otherwise anything you put in front that reduces volume will also reduce gain. If you are using high gain through your preamp, anything you put in front of the preamp to boost it will just give you more gain and not really any volume.

So basically you need to increase the volume after your gain to get a boost. If you use your amp for preamp gain, the only way to do it would be to run a boost through the effects loop, which is what Josh was getting at.

The only thing I can think of is that you could turn your amp up to where you want it to be for leads (I'm assuming that's why you want a volume boost), then use a volume attenuator pedal in front that is "on" during rhythms to reduce volume, then when you turn it off, your amp goes back to full volume. I believe this is what the Xotic pedal does. Similar to a EHX Signal Pad. I do need to add that this could reduce your gain though, so you would need to compensate for that somehow.



Thank you very much for your excellent response, thanks for taking the time and answer as clearly ...

is certainly no alternative but to use the effects loop for the hi gain channel amp, I wanted to help but there is no way .-

thanks again

Pd: You know how I can build the signal pad, or the EWS but with switch and LED?


I can't remember if it's okay to post links here or not (if not, my apologies) but, I found this on the web if you can make sense of it. It's exactly what you are asking for:

It uses a 1M Log pot and a 220p Cap bled to ground. If you take out the LED you can use it unpowered--pretty simple. The schematic above shows how to include the battery/adapter power and an LED.

Hope that helps.