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Sand Blasting

Started by Guybrush, April 23, 2012, 10:00:23 AM

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Hi all.

I've been looking at getting into powder coating and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with sand blsting equipment?  I've found some smaller cabinates on ebay which aren't too expensive but they still take up quite a lot of room (I live in a small flat so not much room for storage).  I also found this hand held sand blaster:

Has anyone tried using anything similar? I was wondering if it's be up to the job?



I've sandblasted cars and parts etc.  Unless you are using a cabinet it will be very very messy and dusty.  You'll have sand everywhere!  Plus your compressor needs to have a really good filter setup to keep out the moisture.

Contract PCB designer


Cool.  Thanks for the info. 

Darn.  Thought I'd actually found a viable cheap alternative for a moment!  Ha.


+1 on everything josh said. You need a larger compressor for a blasting setup and the filtration is just as important. That being said ever since I have been blasting my boxes the finisheds come out much more consistent. I consider it a manditory step in my finishIng process now.
Pcbs no longer available


All great advice. Thank you.  I'm not sure I can afford a cabinate at the moment so I may give powder coating a try just using degreaser as mentioned in Fastocker's poeder coating tutorial..

Thank again!


Degreasing works fine for what we do in most cases, when it doesn't out gassing the part in oven will usually take care of any other issues. Sandblasting isn't necessary, it just works out better for me.
Pcbs no longer available


Out gassing?  That's a new one to me.  I'll do some googling but do you care to expand?  Also is there a specific kind of degreaser to use or would this kind of thing work?


Guybrush, outgassing generally refers to pre-baking the item to be coated.  Some castings are fairly porous and heating will promote any small pockets of trapped air or gas to escape . . . meaning less bubbles or flaws in your powdercoated enclosure.  Just pop the item in the oven, heat for 15 minutes or so, let it cool and then apply your powder as you normally would.

I wouldn't go with an engine degreaser . . . too messy.  You want something like a naphtha or other fast evaporating surface cleaner.  Since you linked an item I'll assume you're in the UK . . . maybe try to look for something like paint prep solvent or similar . . . maybe a smaller container of something like this:

This Eastwood product is what I use and it's perfect for powdercoating -- cleans well, dries quickly and it's not too stinky:

You DEFINITELY don't want to sandblast inside of a dwelling . . . would make a big mess plus you'll need a decent sized compressor as others have mentioned.  Sandblasting works as Jimmybjj mentioned but isn't absolutely necessary for doing pedal enclosures.  But it does leave a nice clean textured surface that promotes adhesion of the powder; it's really a must if you're powdering used car parts, for example.

Come to think of it, I hope you have a 'dirty room' or a booth or something if you plan on powdercoating inside . . . it makes for a dusty mess if you don't contain the airborne powder.
Owner of Unique-Vibe, LLC


Thanks Fastocker,  that's all great info.  Think I'll forget sandblasting and get hold of some of the Eastwood degreaser.

I have a small outdoor space so was planning on building a booth to do the powder coating in.  I need to get saving first but thought I'd do some asking around before buying anything.

Thanks for all the help!


Fastocker, do you think its dangerous to outgas in a regular oven that used for cooking?
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals