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3PDT wiring boards

Started by Guybrush, April 23, 2012, 12:27:26 PM

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Hey there.

Has anyone used the 3PDT wiring boards form ?  Do they work with Madbeans general wiring diagram?



I have and was not overly impressed and after numerous spam/begging emails from guitarbcb certainly would not buy anything from him again.
Our own Gtr2 has better boards for sale here


I've used them successfully.  See here.  It's a slightly different 3PDT layout than the standard Madbean wiring diagram, but the actual DC and I/O jack wiring is the same and maps neatly onto the board.

My only caution is that if you don't have experience soldering on etched boards (vs fabbed boards), they can be tricky.  But the traces on the 3PDT wiring boards are not at all close together, so it might actually be a good excercise.  Good luck!


I've used both, and I'd suggest going with gtr2's.  Much cleaner to work with, a little more room to play with, and results in a nicer final product.  Just wire up the switch lugs last, not first, and you'll be fine (makes all the off board wiring easier).  Only drawback to gtr2's boards is you can't put the switch tight in a corner (if you're putting two or more effects in one enclosure).
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Not to toot my own trumpet but I also have my own take on the 3PDT board:

mine use an (optional) connector assembly which makes things more flexible.

I have a few left in stock (I had them for sale on BYOC for a while).

PM me if you are interested for prices etc.

I am going to get some more fabbed soon.


Sorry rauldluke I forgot about yours.  I i needed any I would buy yours as they are in the UK


Thanks for all the info guys!

My apologise raulduke but you were about 10 seconds too slow.  I just purchased some from gtr2.   I'm in the UK too so it would have been better to get them from you. There's me jumping in with both feet agin. :)
Thank you for the offer though!

Cheers all round!


I vastly prefer the layout on Gtr2's and raulduke's wiring boards because they do all the connections in one place, so you can set up the entire enclosure before soldering in the board with just four wires (board ground, +9v, in, and out) hanging loose. I also liked the smallbear boards. They connect all the same things as the guitarpcb board, but they're quite a bit cheaper (with bulk pricing) and they're more durable. Both the smallbear and guitarPCB boards will fit in a 1590A with caution.

I was going to socket some of Gtr2's boards for prototyping/reusing enclosures (just socket the board connections and you can plug in the wires like a breadboard!), but I guess raulduke's already beaten me to that idea. :)


No worries guy's; I'm having them made as I have a use for them so I thought others would too.

Next time I get some fabbed I'll put some up for sale here; I was a bit worried about stepping on GTR's toes last time I had some fabbed, but I guess having options can only be a good thing.


I just bought some from Josh ("gtr2" user name Madbean). They are fantastic quality and I received them four days after I ordered them.
es là-bas!!