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Can the octave effect of Poindexter be made stronger?

Started by toneboner, April 22, 2012, 05:46:41 AM

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1st of all, this is a badass pedal as it is.  Lately, Ive been wondering if it's possible to tweak for a stronger octave effect.  I thought there might have been a thread re: the subject, but search didn't turn it up. 
Any ideas???

found this quote apparently from Zexy himself: "We used to see O***ne pedals that sounded great but had no octave-up when the wrong value resistor was installed feeding the base of one of the transistor pairs used to generate the octave. That's the simplest part you can remove to get rid of the octave. On the schematic I've got here at home, R11 or R10 (right after the phase splitter) would be your two choices. I don't have an actual circuit board here to make sure that the values have traveled safely all the way from my original schematic to the final board design in recent years... I'd have to check that at the shop later, so feel free to write to me there later today if you can't verify that those two resistors are feeding the transistor pair's bases. Not all of the parts on the Oc***e board are marked with numbers because of space limitations."

So if the wrong value resistors eliminate the octave, could a different value in the other direction pronounce it?

as always, thanks for the feedback!


interesting! according to xvex, playing around with R10 and R12 (on the madbean schem) has a large influence on the octave effect. I can't offer specific values but if:

R10 = R12

the octave effect will probably low, and if

R10 <<< R12

octave effect will be high.

If you'd like a reasonable value, try 1.8k or 2k. Be careful, I have a feeling too high of a value would cause the circuit to oscillate.