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Uproar - just silence

Started by Tanaka, April 16, 2012, 12:06:43 PM

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Hi there,

I realized an Uproar, everything appears to be ok, but doesn't work .
Light is on but I have no sound .. where do I start? ???

Thanks a lot .



I noticed that you also posted a "me too" in another thread talking about having very low volume from an Uproar.  Which is it: low volume or no sound?  Does it work in bypass?


Thank you guys !

It work in bypass . Wihen I  switch off, the signal pass with no problem .

Sorry for the mistake in the other topic, I have no sound at all .

I try to answer the questions from the rules :

(1) Project Name

(2) General description of the problem
Doesn't sound at all ; there's no sound when the pedal is on; when I turn it off, the true bypass works good and the signal pass with no problem

(3) Steps that you have taken to try to resolve the issue
I just tried to change the 3pdt because I toke it from another pedal and the is the first thing I thought it can help me to exclude something

(4) List any substitutions you used for parts/values
No sobstitution from the original project

Thank you guys !!!!



Okay.  No sound in effect mode is typically a wiring error or a short to ground (especially on etched boards).  I'll mention one stupid trick just because it's a mistake I've made when the pedal was upside down and I was debugging it: Are you sure you're plugged into the input jack and not the output jack?

If you're confident that's not the problem you should begin debugging with a multimeter.  Set for  ~20VDC, are you getting 9V to the ICs on pin 8 and ~ 4.5V on IC2:pin7 and IC1:pin5?  If not, you should start debugging the power supply.

If your power looks good, set your DMM to continuity test and start tracing each point on the signal path from the input jack tip lug to the 3PDT to the board input.  Then from the board output to the 3PDT to the output jack tip lug.  If those are good, test continuity to ground from every point on the 3PDT that should be grounded and from the board ground.

If everything tests good so far, I recommend posting voltages for all IC pins, and clear, well-lit, high-resolution photos of the switch/jack wiring and both sides of the board.  Good luck!


What he said. Also, did you perform any of the modifications listed in the documentation?


Really, Really thank you guys .

I'm pretty sure I have made no mistake with in and out . I just checked every connection from the beginning using just the project and my eyes.
Now I'm gonna try what mgwhit sayd step by step; you're are really kind , thanks a lot.

for oldhousescott : Not Yet . I'm just trying to work the project correctly .. then, I hope to do the Super Duper Booster and the Face Melter ....  :)

Thanks  lot for now !! Come back to bother you guys to tell you what I find ( I hope something ) .
