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Neutrino Drive and Tone pots not working help

Started by Heinz_21, April 01, 2012, 01:41:41 AM

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Hi, I built the Neutrino and when I turn the pedal on the only pot that seems to work is the volume pot.  I can turn the pedal on and my clean signal goes through it while i can adjust the volume.  But when I turn the tone knob or drive knob nothing happens and there is not effect. 

Can someone help me fix this?




What steps have you taken so far? Have you read the sticky thread "rules for getting tech help"?

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Do the Drive and Tone controls really do absolutely nothing?  Do they affect the output volume at all?


yes the tone and drive do absolutely nothing.  they don't affect the volume at all.  right now i'm checking all the tracks and my solder points.  I'm going to clean the PCB too.



This is definitely an odd one, and I'd certainly go over that board with a fine-toothed comb looking for shorts or cold joints or whatever.

Here's one easy thing to check: did you accidentally swap the Drive and the Tone pots?  Putting a B5K on Drive would prevent the diodes from clipping even at full on, and the sweep of the pot would result in a barely noticeable volume difference.  I'm not really sure what would happen with an A500K on Tone, but I'm guessing that any position below full on would result in almost no effect, too.

How loud is your output signal?


when I engage the pedal and cut the volume full up then my output is the same loudnes as the bypass.. I think that's because the drive would normally add more volume when working with the vol knob.  The pots are wired in the right spots.  When I was soldering I know on a few of the spots that ground to the board, my solder was kinda large.  But that's what it's grounding to so I didn't think that would be a problem.


Keep checking that board, because the only way I can think to get unity gain in this circuit is for there to be conspicuously well-placed shorts in the negative feedback loops of both of your op-amp stages (e.g. clipping diode failing open).  Seems unlikely.

Did you triple check the pots?  And how about posting your pin voltages from IC1?