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experimenting with Quasar (hope I spelled right)

Started by 9Lives, March 28, 2012, 04:43:53 PM

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After blindly learning to build pedals with the "fake it till you make it" attitude twords all of this I've managed to learn a great bit about all of this thanks to alot of the members of this forum. I went straight to the difficult  builds  simply bc that's what I wanted to do. So for the past couple months I've really taken a step back to learn and actually understand what it is that I'm doing here. In the process I've learned to debug, etch and all sorts of things. And combing over the AMZ site and exhausting the 1 transistor boost and EVERY relative of it. I didn't realize how fasinating a couple of parts could be. So after all that I think I'm ready to play around with some of the Xotic effects. I just etched one of bean's older designs (Quasar). I just used a chunk of $$$ and stashed evey useful piece I could think of. My question is really for some one who has built both versions of this pcb. I just can't decide between the RC and AC. I've heard both demos and I can desifer the differences through youtube... I'm looking TO color my tone and be able to get that crystal clear boost and have the option of putting some dirt on it. I'm leaning tword the AC just seems (to me) a lil more versitile. But I know nothing about this. Any experienced builders care to chime in? Thanks in advance.


If you can etch, I would etch two versions of the board. If you bought some caps and resistors in bulk you it won't cost you much to make the board twice, especially if you socket the expensive parts.

Then, you can decide with your own ears which you like the sound of more!

I don't have any experience with either, otherwise I could be more helpful.

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Ok, not many responders. Thanks tho as useual jacob. I hold your answers in high regaurds. And fyi I went ahead w the AC simply bc it was the middle ground of the 2. I gotta say it's a freakin nice sounding OD. More so than a boost. I do wish it would clean up a lil more than it does w the gain rolled back but I guess that's why the came out with the RC huh? As usual I really love the baxandall tone stack. It's just amazing. IMO the best (ive seen atleast) I think I will go ahead and etch up a 2nd and do the rc. The only parts I had to sub was the 20n cap and the 150 pf. ahad to go w 22n and 180 mica. Close enough tho I hope. I can't recommend this build enough. I play alot of hard rock and metal and this bridges the gap from clean to face melting very nice. Think I'm gonna do the glitteratti.. I think that's what it's called (BB preamp?)