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Boneyard boost

Started by bs_ane, February 18, 2012, 07:11:25 PM

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Hi i want to build this project but i want to build it without booster???How can i do that????to remove the boost from circuit??


Omit the Boost switch and pot.  Jumper SW2 pads 1 & 2 (leftmost and middle).  Good luck!


IF i do this then the boost is always on??Which components is from booster?to ignore


By jumpering 1 and 2 as mgwhit stated, the boost will be "off". Note that the boost stage is always in-circuit, but depending the switch, is either set for no gain or the additional boosted level.


You mean is not possible to remove booster components from circuit?it not possible to put other booster than this circuit boost???


You can leave out C8, R8, R9, R10 and R11, as well as the boost pot and SW2. Replace C9 with a jumper (just to keep IC1C happy). Take the middle lug of the volume pot to whatever other booster you want, or take it straight to the output jack.

Having said all that, there's nothing wrong with the boost/buffer stage that's already there and making the mods that mgwhit recommended.


You mean that this boost its good??I think its better to jumper this booster and try 1 other booster(off board) and make tests which is better to my eyars...
If i put jumper to switch pads it is closed,right???

Also i want to ask about max1044.With this ic the pedal run to 9v???In the layout after pin 1 and 8 is 1 led?it is necessary??



The built-in boost stage is a clean boost. It just makes the signal louder without adding any artifacts. It wont have the "character" of other dedicated boosts that use discrete components. Whether that's good or bad is determined by your ears.