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I kinda miss my old life (married guys rant)

Started by Ang3lus, March 19, 2012, 09:04:24 PM

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Been with my wife since high school and have a 22 year old married daughter and an 18 year old son. My wife is very understanding about me being a kid trapped in a grownup body. Jiu-jitsu tournaments, guitar hobbies, gun range trips, ect. Just keep in mind that even if you don't think you want kids, if you ever have them, you will melt when you hold your own flesh and blood in your arms.


I don't know where to start, I'm loving this thread!

My wife and I have our 14th anniversary this year, and our girls are 7 and 5. We actually got married quite young (24 and 21), and our friends were all like "aren't you gonna miss the freedom?" Quite the opposite actually...I think we did more of what enjoy, i.e. travel, eating out, etc. I don't think that changed after we had kids; I think it's more like what some of you said, you just focus more on what's important. I don't get to play guitar of work on pedals as much as I'd like, but when I do I make the most of it, that's for sure. Plus my daughters like to mess with my pedals and bang around on my guitar Sonic Youth-style.

One thing I do miss is going to see bands play more...but I will say that when we first got married and were living in NYC, my wife and I had been people who went to shows really often. We went to see Bob Mould and liked the show but were all tired afterward and were like "we're getting too old for this!"