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My Weener has a Whipple and I call it a Waffle.

Started by JakeFuzz, January 24, 2012, 03:34:00 PM

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Hmm, I think I might have wired something up wrong here. I am definitely getting wah but it is pretty subtle. I barely notice it is on when engaged. Ill go through and double check everything. Another thing that makes me think it is a little off is that in buffered output mode the volume drops below unity by a fair amount. It is definitely not subtle at the far end of the frequency pot though, sounds like an envelope filter  :D


Sounds like something isn't right.  It looks like you have those trannies in the right way considering the ECB pinout.  Do you have the schematic for the pcb?  I checked earlier today and the build doc wasn't up yet.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


The build docs went up few hours ago, so double check your components and values. I don't think there were any changes in component numbering from the schematic published a couple of weeks ago. Also, check transistor orientation.

The wah will be more subtle with the freq pot at max, but there should be a huge range over the travel, so if it's subtle at all settings something is amiss.

The only thing I can think of as a potential problem could be the buffer switch. This was a last minute addition and was the only thing that wasn't tested. Maybe the output is getting loaded down since the SPDT switches from the output only, rather than fully bypassing the buffer/non-buffer. But, I don't see why that would be the case. Hmmm. That would be a pretty easy fix, but do check all the other stuff first before we get to that point.


Also, just to be sure: are you positive it's the buffered output that seems lower and not the non-buffered? That could be easy to mix up. The non-buffered output is the right-most pad on SW1 an buffered is the left-most pad.


Thanks guys you know what it was, I swapped the R15 and R14 positions which was giving me a lower buffered output volume; easy fix. I also figured out why it wasn't as extreme as I was expecting. I used the 100n input cap to start. This was letting lots of bass through which made the treble end of the pedal sweep sound less bright. I was testing mostly with fuzz which likes to see large changes in the amount of bass going through the circuit to give a more extreme sounding wah. Changed it to 10n and used the 47k input resistor too; much, much better with fuzz now. Before it was nice but very mellow and bassy. Now I just need to adjust the "bias" on the rack and pinion to get that inflection point where I like it.


Cool, glad it's working Paul.

You're just reinforcing my soap box though... CHECK YOUR PARTS FIRST!

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