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Started by Sigesmundninja, January 14, 2012, 02:51:02 PM

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I've had this little UFO (unidentified f-ing object) For many years hidden away and forgotten but yesterday a came to think of it when I was searching the web for enclosures for the upcoming Wah and Univibe-projects. I don't know that much about it so i figured I would show it to you guys and maybe some of you have any information about it. I don't really like it, the pedal is springloaded, the fuzz is thin and weak but the Vibe could perhaps be usefull.



Thats a cool looking pcb with all of those transistors and metal caps
Pcbs no longer available


I love that Russian stuff.  I dunno if I would gut it.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


Please don't gut that it looks like the coolest thing ever. I'll trade you a crybaby case for it if you're looking for a wah case.


Nah, I will not gut it, mostly because I don't think the pedals mechanism is very good for a wah or a vibe... 5-6 years ago when I last took a look in it I didn't even know what a capacitor looked like or what it did. So this morning I thought to myself: -hey, my old wah-fuzz, there should be a ton of usable mojo caps ant transistors in it!!! but I don't recognise any of them :P   

Gonna do some research about this pedal to figure out if i might be willing to trade it. If I do I'll PM you, Badgerific!


Hey, by the way... Why don't I tell you guys what I know about it :)

The top right switch is Fuzz, on/off... and that the only control you have, gives a huge volume drop :(
Top left knob is the speed of the vibe.
bottom left switch is vibe on/off
bottom right switch select slow/fast speed

There is no bypass switch what so ever  :-\

If anybody reads Russian or whatever it is (i sure as hell isn't Swedish) please educate me :)


Quote from: jimmybjj on January 14, 2012, 04:41:13 PM
Thats a cool looking pcb with all of those transistors and metal caps
yeah it is!
I got blisters on my fingers!!!


Just found this. Doesn't seem to have much info on it though.


Yeah, that's the only source of information I found yet as well. Thank you anyway

By the way, The pedal was given to me by an old coworker of mine. And he got it from trading a case of beer with drunk guitarplayer in gothenburg late one night after a gig in the late 70's :) I just loved that story when I first heard it


man that looks super cool!