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Are BigButt Boards getting restocked?

Started by EarthlingTrying, November 08, 2023, 02:20:28 PM

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I have a PigButt enclosure that is drilled and has graphics on it, but I fried my board beyond repair while soldering. Just wondering if the PigButt boards are being restocked, redesigned, or discontinued?


Yes, but it's moving to the forthcoming "standard series" along with a bunch of other projects. Let me see if I can get you a replacement board since you already have an enclosure drilled. The new format is not compatible with the older version.


Thank you! I appreciate you taking a look, I know you've had a lot going on this past year. At worst, I'll grab a new board and do some off-board wiring as penance for trying to solder too fast.  ;D


if the bean doesn't end up having one, I have a spare 2015 pig butt and we can turn this into a very early pifmas for you if that is the version you're after
once upon a time I was Tornado Alley FX
