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Rabbit Hole v.2020 build help

Started by Texas_Fuzz, December 15, 2023, 06:50:46 PM

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Pedal building noob here, not new to electronics, been taking stuff apart and putting it back together with a soldering iron since I was eight.

So I just finished this Rabbit Hole build, plugged it in, and I get..... nothing. No bypass or tone, but the LED works. I'm using BC108B R4 can type transistors, with the "tab" oriented towards the square trace on the PCB. Pinout indicates this is pin "1" and dmm reads 7.9-8v at this pin, which seems high. I'm stumped. Fairly new to this, have a pretty good idea about circuits, but I have no idea what else to troubleshoot. No bypass tone, did I wire the switch wrong? Did I put the transistors in backwards? Wrong resistor somewhere?

Anything else to consider before I shove this project in a drawer? 

Aleph Null

If you're not getting signal in bypass, I would check the off-board wiring first. Most likely something is getting grounded that shouldn't be. I've had stray stands in hook-up wire cause that kind of issue before.

You can also post pictures here for others to look at. Someone might notice something.