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PlexiDrive aka Sorting JFET is an art by itself.............

Started by GrindCustoms, October 05, 2012, 09:55:23 PM

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So here's another RaulDuke layout, the Plexi Drive!  8)

I'm REALLY digging those JFET overdrives, there's just something so responsive and dynamic into them, it compresses the signal.........but it's sound like it's always rocks!

No magnificient SJ Effect 3PDT board in this one........i soldered it to a bad 3PDT........  >:(
.......and was too lazy to take it out.........2 sided pcb's are bitch....even more when you can only access one side......... i tried to keep it clean as possible, first time that i use a zip-tie, works great.....

Oh, about the the schem provided by Steve, there was a note that the J201 needed to have a voltage between 4.5v and 5v i decided to threat this like a phaser........and match them...haha, it took around 75 J201 to find 3 with the exact same voltage......a beautiful 4.76v..... 

Dunno if it makes it sound better, but it sound damn good!

I've also used a 2PDT for further cap experimention, i will add some sockets to each pins and fool with that..........maybe to add a bit of «Oooommph», so it sounds like a Plexi with KT77....

Special thanks to UncleGeek for those nice 470pf WIMA caps he sent me, i feel like i'm the dudes who make the Boiling Point with specialy selected components in specialy choosen place...Hahahaha
While i was feeling special i also replace the 1uf polyfilm for a Tant...but forgot to put one or 2 carbon comp resistors......

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

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Rej, awesome build as usual, really clean with all the mojo goodness. And by the way, Captain Nemo called and said he wants his pedal enclosure back! Seriously, what episode of Deadliest Catch did that get dredged up in?  :D Looks AMAZING.


It does look very Jules Verne, without the encrusted-with-ten-tonnes-of-crap steampunk vibe.

I'm starting to wonder if you should start selling enclosures with that kind of paintwork, I imagine there's a definite market for it, plus you are VERY good at it!
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Thanks alot guys i really appreciate it  :)

Quote from: G.G. on October 05, 2012, 10:33:36 PM
Rej, awesome build as usual, really clean with all the mojo goodness. And by the way, Captain Nemo called and said he wants his pedal enclosure back! Seriously, what episode of Deadliest Catch did that get dredged up in?  :D Looks AMAZING.

Hahaha, man..........(facepalm) let me explain you.........

She's a all seriousness that i'm able of....

I was in a state of mind where i wanted to, for once, paint an enclosure that would be «clean», no sanding, no grinding, no hammer....

I wanted it to be golden with a dark shade into it, so i blend to hammertone finish, gold and black... I've done some mixes like that previously with good results. While i was doing that i was also prepping 4 other enclosures for laser etch. Part of the baking process so the 2 hammertone color blend, you must over heat one so it jumps over the other...........well i forgot to drop the had nothing at all nice to it once it cooled down........So i returned to my old habbit.......

Finally i think that the gold marshall style knob fits better with it that if i had done the first idea. Because i was doing the paint job around the knobs.

Quote from: alanp on October 05, 2012, 10:46:08 PM
It does look very Jules Verne, without the encrusted-with-ten-tonnes-of-crap steampunk vibe.

I'm starting to wonder if you should start selling enclosures with that kind of paintwork, I imagine there's a definite market for it, plus you are VERY good at it!

There's alot of cool things upcoming for GCFX, along other projects, this is something that i had also thought of....., i wanted to do couple one to test the water.

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Quote from: alanp on October 05, 2012, 10:46:08 PM
I'm starting to wonder if you should start selling enclosures with that kind of paintwork, I imagine there's a definite market for it, plus you are VERY good at it!

I guarantee that there is at least a market of one.