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Road rage.....

Started by 9Lives, January 06, 2012, 02:04:27 AM

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I could not find the 5457 diodes so I used the 5458 diodes.. Is this my problem. This thing just won't work. I can't get any voltage. Do yall normally make them as separate units or inside a pedal? I tried adding a plug on the 18v side and nothing. Can't get any voltage on my using the maxx...whatever chip..



I suspect one of two things. First, you've made a mistake oriented something the wrong way or done your wiring incorrectly. That, or you've got a bad power supply or part somewhere.

Can you give us more info?

1. What power source are you using? Have you verified that it's actually providing the expected voltage?
2. What does your voltage read at the 9V input to the board?
3. What does your voltage read at ground?
4. Which parts have you installed, which parts have you not installed?
5. What's the voltage read on each pin of the IC? Is it getting hot?
6. Have you double checked your part values and orientation, making your sure you assume you haven't got it correct?
7. Did you know that the 18V and Regulator markings were switched on the silkscreen? Have you compensated for that?

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I'll look and check tomorrow. And no, I didn't notice that switch between 18v and regulator... That's probably the whole problem. I'll  look into it tom.