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Common places to look for Ge transistors?

Started by ckim715, December 27, 2011, 12:21:43 AM

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I'm curious. What kind of electronics should I scavenge for to try and find some Ge transistors? Not really thinking I'll go out and do it, but the thought has piqued my DIY curiosity  ;D


transistor radios from the late 60's and early 70s. italian made electric organs from the same era
I got blisters on my fingers!!!


I know they aren't Ge but the 2n2907 from Tayda sound almost exactly like my supply of 2n404's. With the 2907's and a handful of good Ge Russian parts I don't look for trannies anymore but I do keep an eye out for the occasional deal on a few Ge pieces. At a quarter each it's hard to go wrong with the 2907 though.