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need a substitute

Started by redkurn, April 16, 2021, 07:42:41 AM

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1n60p and 1n34a are pretty scarce on mouser, what can I use to sub?
Prefer to stick with mouser, have a huge order to make and Tayda isn't shipping for up to 7 months currently according to some recent posts.  :o

Last part for the Triplet that I can't find, did have to make a few substitutions on resistors, no 65k so using the 68k I have and a few had to be 1/4w with only a couple 1/8w sized...  :-\


I have both of those on hand, thanks to paul and his 7-min fuzz experimenters kit. was saving one to make a second bazz fuss with the bat41 or 1n914 with a built in volume boost.  ;D

1n914 seems the closest candidate between them. Just going to use the 1n914 I guess. if someone comes along before mouser ships I'll try and get it changed. XD


Just socket it and use the 1n914 diodes. Then when you find the others you can swap them out if you want.

Also, have you tried Stompboxparts (link ^^^ above), they are stateside and ship quickly. Not a huge selection, but good stuff.


Quote from: Matmosphere on April 16, 2021, 08:34:55 AM
Just socket it and use the 1n914 diodes. Then when you find the others you can swap them out if you want.

Also, have you tried Stompboxparts (link ^^^ above), they are stateside and ship quickly. Not a huge selection, but good stuff.

I have not, but was trying to stick with my huge order so it all came the same day.
I do have some sockets that came with that fuzz kit, sounds dope btw, especially when stacked with the red llama. XD

I'll give them a look over later, I do need parts for the Alpha Dog still, but that one will have to wait.


Quote from: redkurn on April 16, 2021, 07:42:41 AMTayda isn't shipping for up to 7 months currently according to some recent posts.  :o

Just checked this out of curiosity and got the normal 7-16 days USPS or 2-4 days DHL shipping times


I highly recommend

I just got a 1000' roll of wire for 25 bucks. They always have rare diodes and chips for a really great price. I think I paid a buck each for 1n34a


Quote from: jjjimi84 on April 16, 2021, 01:23:58 PM
I highly recommend

I just got a 1000' roll of wire for 25 bucks. They always have rare diodes and chips for a really great price. I think I paid a buck each for 1n34a
I bought a whole bunch of the russian ge diodes from them. At .50 cents each you cant go wrong.
Who the hell is Bucky?


BAT41 or BAT46 are very good subs for 1n34a.


Quote from: harryklippton on April 16, 2021, 12:32:25 PM
Quote from: redkurn on April 16, 2021, 07:42:41 AMTayda isn't shipping for up to 7 months currently according to some recent posts.  :o

Just checked this out of curiosity and got the normal 7-16 days USPS or 2-4 days DHL shipping times

That's after they ship from Singapore, last order took 21 days, then 3 more after it started moving on USPS website.

Quote from: jjjimi84 on April 16, 2021, 01:23:58 PM
I highly recommend

I just got a 1000' roll of wire for 25 bucks. They always have rare diodes and chips for a really great price. I think I paid a buck each for 1n34a
Quote from: Thewintersoldier on April 16, 2021, 01:32:54 PM
Quote from: jjjimi84 on April 16, 2021, 01:23:58 PM
I highly recommend

I just got a 1000' roll of wire for 25 bucks. They always have rare diodes and chips for a really great price. I think I paid a buck each for 1n34a
I bought a whole bunch of the russian ge diodes from them. At .50 cents each you cant go wrong.
Quote from: Thewintersoldier on April 16, 2021, 01:32:54 PM
Quote from: jjjimi84 on April 16, 2021, 01:23:58 PM
I highly recommend

I just got a 1000' roll of wire for 25 bucks. They always have rare diodes and chips for a really great price. I think I paid a buck each for 1n34a
I bought a whole bunch of the russian ge diodes from them. At .50 cents each you cant go wrong.

I'll give them a try on my next splurge. XD

Quote from: madbean on April 16, 2021, 02:43:16 PM
BAT41 or BAT46 are very good subs for 1n34a.

I knew I remembered using one in another build, you had it documented as BAT41, but I don't remember which it was... Klon maybe?
How much different would the 1N914 be in this circuit or any, I know it doesn't matter for clipping stages too much aside from gain and clipping earlier, but in power applications which I don't think is the case here.


I don't have any good substitute recommendations.
Tayda is the only place I know where you can get 1N60Ps.
While I buy lots of things from Tayda and Mouser less so from Digikey and Arrow (which seems to be shipping at over $100 from the NL right now), I also try to spread the $$$ within the DIY community as much as I can. Aron Nelson still has 1n34a for sale over on the DIYStompboxes store. A set of 8 for $4.00 and some aloha for your circuit. Pedalhacker has a huge selection of Ge diodes sent from Goshen, IN. Both of these guys have done right by me along with StompBoxParts. GuitarPCB ships Ge diodes off and on from Altoona, PA, and it's where you can pick up a pot condom for your Glasshole (but Barry doesn't stock the black ones anymore). BYOC seems to be out of stock of almost everything up in WA, including Ge diodes (I started this hobby with them and GGG back in 2007, so I hope they survive the pandemic). All these folks are located in the U.S., so your only shipping issue is going to be what Postmaster DeJoy did to the USPS as a favor to 45...


Paul @chromesphere shows Russian germaniums D9B's, E's & K's as 1n34a subs and  shows having stock. Had very good dealings with him.
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?


I've bought many components and PCBs from Paul. He is a stand-up guy. Once I ordered a Ge tranny set with lots of other components, and it didn't make it into the envelope. I thought I was going to have issues when I emailed him about the error. He refunded the difference with no problems. I picked up that set on the next order. From the States, the exchange rate is also in your favor. I usually don't pay extra for tracked shipping, and I've never had a problem getting my order. So, we have a lot of substitute vendors out there for Ge stuff, along with Bean's BAT suggestions. While I don't know of a good substitute for the 1N60P, the ones Tayda sells are silicon Schottky, so Matmosphere's recommendation to socket is a great way to see if you like other Schottkys in there: 1N916/4148, 1N5817, BAT, etc. Have fun with it. At the end of the day, all that really matters is that you like the tone - whether or not it's period correct for the circuit.


I just got a lot of 200 Soviet D9B germaniums for $15 off of Ebay, which for me is pretty much a lifetime supply. Those should work fairly well as a sub for the 1N34A, especially in clipping applications. Hell, I swapped between those, some 1N34As, some 1N695s, and some OA1160s in a Harmonic Percolator I have on the breadboard and barely noticed any difference!
Doomsday Devices


While I don't know of a good substitute for the 1N60P, the ones Tayda sells are silicon Schottky, so Matmosphere's recommendation to socket is a great way to see if you like other Schottkys in there: 1N916/4148, 1N5817, BAT, etc.
Something has been bothering me since I wrote that... I realized it's the 1N914 and 1n4148 that are interchangeable small signal diodes while the 1N916 is the Schottky last night. Definitely want to be helpful and not spread misinformation in the forum. Cheers


I followed Brians advice on it, Paul is a pretty awesome guy, I've talked to him a few times and made a order from his shop as well.