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FLORIST - I got issues (1st build)

Started by bschobs, April 19, 2020, 03:32:47 PM

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Hey guys so I'm working on building a Florist and considering it my first build.  I did build one other thing but I renamed it "Learning how to solder".

Anyway, I put it together and tested it outside of the box, sounded awesome.  I think I made a mistake by wiring everything outside of the box and then cramming it in, and sure enough once it was inside... nothing.

So I take it back out and now the effect itself isn't working so I guess it was more than just wiring.  I have tried a bunch of different things and am now attempting to trace the signal.

My findings are that at IC 1 (TL072) I get a signal on pin 1, but a constant mid-range tone on the pin 7 which I think should be output 2.  Now I go up to resistor 6 and I have signal on one side but not the other.  No signal on resistor 7.  Visually they look like they are soldered well.  I did put heat on them to make sure they were in the pads but did not add any additional solder.  Not sure what the proper "reflow" technique should be.

One other thing is I noticed the regulator gets super hot to the touch, is that normal?

Truly appreciate help/advice as I cut my teeth learning this stuff.



Hey and welcome to your new addiction. When the regulator gets hot, normally this indicates a short to ground.  Since it worked just fine outside the enclosure (congratulations), let's have a look at your off  board wiring and the solder side of the board. Up close and clear will be super helpful.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Hi bschobs!
Seems like you have checked some things already, that's a great start (and more than many do when they ask for help). Here's the guidelines on how to proceed:
If you follow these step by step, you'll likely find the error yourself - it's likely something minor, like wiring or something shorting out as your build did work initially - and you'll learn something in the process.

You already located the problem to R6/R7. If there's no signal at their intersection, there can't be any at the output of IC pin7 and thus the effect. Check all the components close to these (R6/7/15/16, C4/13/14, Blend and Vol) for their value and soldering (especially solder bridges). You didn't use pot covers on the upper row of controls. Did you use any insulation on the bottom row of pots? these could short out if they touch any of the component leads on the bottom.

Hope this helps, let us know how it plays out
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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m-Kresol - Saw your post after I had this all typed up.  I'll follow those steps, thanks!


First of thanks for the response and for having a look!  Yes it is definitely going to be a new addiction for me I already have several others to build but not until I get this one going.

So yeah my test box is probably terrible.  I have it hooked up to the audio probe right now.  Power is slightly off the photo with alligator clips to a slimline 9V jack.  When I had the effect working prior to cramming into the enclosure, I hadn't built the test box yet and had everything wired to the board.

- I have verified that no pots are touching anything on the solder side of the board.

- The dry signal is coming out and then as I turn the Blend to bring in the wet signal it brings in that drone sound.

If these pics aren't sufficient let me know.  Thanks again!


It's hard to tell much. Is your DC input Wired correctly? Is your ground wire connected  directly to the out wire on the PCB? That will send your audio straight to ground. What are your voltage readings at your DC input?

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.