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Combining Two Circuits

Started by skypn, February 07, 2020, 06:30:37 PM

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Hello, I'm attempting to combine two different circuits. I play Bass, and found the fuzz I really like, but would like to be able to add some dry into it. Here are the two original schematics, fuzz first, then the blender:

I was told to connect the blender's send to the fuzz's input, and the fuzz's output to the blender's rvc.  And this is what I've come up with:

First, are there any glaring mistakes?
Second, I'm not sure if C2 and C5 will play well together, i.e. are they in series, or does R3 prevent that. If they are in series, does that make their value change? I'm thinking it's mute, due to if they were two different pedals then... I ask because I want to know why I'm right, or wrong.
NOTE: C3 is a very tiny ceramic cap to reduce rcv'ng radio signals.
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