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Bootstrap Pickups

Started by chongmagic, January 14, 2020, 03:07:43 PM

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I was wondering if anyone has used these pickups before? I have read some good reviews and they are crazy cheap for being hand wound.


My brother has a set in a les Paul he built. They sound good to me.


If they are cheap there's your chance to buy them and try them out. If not good, little money lost. They'll probably sound okay, but for me personally most pickups are like overdrive pedals. They all sound the same to me.


Quote from: Muadzin on January 15, 2020, 08:42:55 AM
...but for me personally most pickups are like overdrive pedals. They all sound the same to me.
I agree with this. All the more reason those Bootstrap pickups look like a great deal. When you can get a set of U.S. hand-made Strat pickups or P-90's for $50, it's kind of a no-brainer. I seriously doubt there's some magical things the other boutique winders are doing to charge 3X to 4X that price, usually for only one pickup. You pay mostly for the name and the placebo effect in that case.
Eventually these Bootstrap pickups will be expensive and "boutique hipster", so better jump on them now.


Agreed. They already raised prices a few months back. For that money it's worth a gamble.

I'm not a humbucker guy, but the ones on my brothers Paul sounded good. Just don't have a lot of reference to compare them to. I'm more of a fender player