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Mimik and 2399 IC - no voltage??

Started by pgodfrin, September 14, 2019, 01:03:26 PM

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Folks, a couple of the 2399 pins have 0 volts. Dumb question - what would I be looking for to explain/fix that?
tx, pg
btw, great idea providing those numbers, thanks!!


Silly me, wrong orientation. Pins 3 & 4 check out with 0 volts, as do all the others with the charted voltages.
But, pin 5 is 3.03 v, and pin 7 is 0.36 v.
I have no idea if that's good or bad...
I do know that NO sound is bad however...
Still looking


I figured it out. And it works. If at first you don't succeed, RTF schematic. R6 is connected to C3, presumably via a lead, but not referring to that, when the solder points bridged, I thought I had a short. So I did my best to separate them, and gorked C3 and the solder pad for R6. Replaced C3, let the bridge happen, and it worked...
