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bloviator whoopin' my A**

Started by 9Lives, January 03, 2012, 02:47:53 AM

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man. I've damaged 2nd board now trying to build this.. I've completed Way harder projects and this one is whoopin my ass.
1. The TL074... Has 2 markings.. A dot on one side (like the 8 leg IC) and a half circle on the other... Where the fk is 1 pin
2. Is there somthing weird about this board or am I just failing miserably.
3. Led works, switch works, I have a VERY faint signal.  And have re soldered all leads, wiggled, waggled every thing I can imagine.. I have to much in the lil project to not make this thing my btch (yes I'm pissed)


Ignore the dot. The indentation indicates that the top left pin is pin1. You need to check datasheets when unsure as they always show IC pinouts. When these kinds of ICs are put in backwards, they genrally survive but they will get quite hot. This could cause damage if left too long.

Maybe a pic of what you've got so far will help diagnose the issue. I'm not aware of any outstanding issues with the design...I've built it a couple of times myself.


yes, I noticed the heat... On all 3 :( you think this is the prob? Is there any replacement for these at radioshack or is it a chance 1 of 3 survived...ill try with the pic. I'm gonna rewire it again and see what I get... Don't know why this thing is giving me such a prob.