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Reverb PCB for early Belton

Started by mak009, October 30, 2018, 01:57:33 AM

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Anyone know where I can get a PCB for the BTDR-1 Belton module? The pin out for the newer module seems to have changed.
Any help appreciated


I'm also interested in this, if any one knows where to buy a PCB with the correct pin layout for the BTDR-1 it would be nice.

Anyway I'm no expert but, judging by these layouts here, you could use the same layout for the btdr2 and btdr1, it's just different wiring.

I've looked at madbean's projects, and in their belton project they say it's not compatible with BTDR1, but i'm not sure if that is because you can't mount it on-board or some other reason, because on the link I posted it's interchangeable.


Quote from: schizoidman on November 13, 2018, 04:20:04 AM
I've looked at madbean's projects, and in their belton project they say it's not compatible with BTDR1, but i'm not sure if that is because you can't mount it on-board or some other reason, because on the link I posted it's interchangeable.

Thats mostly because the '2 has the 6 pins in a single line in the middle of the block. The '1 has 7 pins (one of which does nothing), 5 on one side, 2 on the other.

The units also differ in physical dimensions. The '1 is about 75mm*39mm. The '2 is 38mm*29mm

The "guts" of the two boards are equivalent, just the pin order and layout differs.  So in theory one could work up a little daughter board for the '1 that would let it plug into a board built for a '2. Could also just wire it up with, well.... wires.