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Anyone ever play Best Fiends on the iPad?

Started by jjjimi84, October 09, 2018, 08:38:51 PM

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I was hoping to show build reports as I complete demos of them but I have more time to build and paint then I do to record. So here is the latest batch to get painted on, all picked from my sons favorite game on his iPad. They may have names I have no idea, he calls one a slug ball thrower?!?!

The first one is a Pyrocumulus Fuzz, sounds like a great Big Muff with a better set of tone controls.

Here is the Madbean pedals Fat Pants Jr. or as I like to call it fawking amazing. Honestly if no one has built this yet then get on it, just buy the right caps so you don't have to do what i did.

Lastly the octave board from, Squidward. Sounds like a really cool octave up pedal, low part count and I highly recommend it.


Cool.  Nice graphics as always. 

I'm going to have to check out the Squidward I think. 



Very nice artwork. You have a signature style.


Typo'd from my iphone
Legion of one at Black Octopus Pedalworx.


Thank you all very much, I highly recommend it. Super easy build amd a great way to lose a hour noodling.


Love the tayda package material in the squidward^^. Dont just leave it in the garbage... re-use ! The power is yours... Goooooo planet !!


Hahahhahah a captain planet reference! Remember that one kid that got stuck woth the heart ring, he drew the short straw on ring choices.

"Dude i got the fire ring, what did you get"?



I really dig your hand-painted graphics.  Very fun.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Quote from: pickdropper on October 15, 2018, 11:21:32 AM
I really dig your hand-painted graphics.  Very fun.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.

Fyi i dig your pedals.