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TH Custom Effects Tube Driver 1.2 Modified to 12VDC.

Started by Ekimneets, August 20, 2018, 12:42:02 AM

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So, I ended up using an extra Tube Driver 1.2 board I had lying around as my Valv-E-Tizer 1.5 PCB's are lost in mail limbo somewhere.

All of the 47n box film caps were upgraded to 100v. Same for electrolytic. I wasn't sure about the electro's so, I upgraded those to 100v, as well. Why yes, that isvquite a large electro you see in that gunshot.

A heat sink was attached to the voltage regulator and ventilation holes were drilled into each end of the enclosure.

Right now it is running off of a benchtop power supply. I had purchased a hefty $15 Jameco wall wart, but it introduces a lot of hum into the system. Still on the lookout for a 12vdc 1.5a power supply.

Using an EH 12AX7 tube. It's a fair amount of distortion, but I love that. It covers up my atrocious guitar playing.
Legion of one at Black Octopus Pedalworx.


Nice build!
Yes that is a fat electro cap there...

Did you do the ventilation holes on purpose to be like 9 pin sockets?
BigNoise Amplification


Nice one! Like the orange/blue contrast despite the Clemson vibe.
Great job on the vent holes, too.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Yes, the vent holes were very deliberate. I'm not totally void of creativity. 
Legion of one at Black Octopus Pedalworx.


Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


All You Need Is Love


Legion of one at Black Octopus Pedalworx.