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Chunk Chunk - My DIY

Started by bgalvao, September 25, 2011, 12:03:24 PM

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Well here are the pics of my first build not as good as I would've wished but it works...

Loved the process and lots of lessons learned, on painting, wiring, debugging next one will be better! And more lessons to be learned I am sure :) !

Gut looks weird but since I had wires crossing each other I had to shield them to reduce I works ok!

I will take it apart an do a new finish (harder this paint is too soft, I am going for prof lacquering process there's a guy close to work does it for like 5 bucks a piece...) and may do a better wiring when I reassemble it!

For is good enough to rock!!


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I think it looks petty dang good for a first build. I think these things sound fantastic! Congrats.


Great effort man, the chunk chunk has quite a lot of wiring and if its rocking you've done very well! Be careful desoldering the board those fabbed pcb pads can be damaged easily... I think the pedal looks good anyway!  hehe, cool shielding technique!


I've never seen anyone shield like that! Is your pedal very quiet?
Looks good especially for a first build!
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


About the volume...well if I crank my volume up (way more than bedroom level) I have a small hiss...not noise just a little of background hiss (hard to explain. its not dead quiet). But I am using the 2N5457 and in order to get the gain I wanted they're a little pushed...maybe that helps I don't know.

Also the shielding is at the same potential as the ground...

The plan actually is to get a bigger enclosure and eliminate the wire crossings maybe that will help eliminate the hiss (I never hear any other pedal live so its hard to say if its as usual/better/worse)...

Thanks for the tip about the pads!
