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3-D Cad/Model Files of standard pedal hardware?

Started by peAk, February 25, 2014, 11:10:20 PM

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I was thinking today that it would easier to prep for boxing if I could lay everything out in 3-D. Obviously not every single component, I would just do the PCB and the envelope solid of the mounted components, but all the hardware like inputs, pots, dc jack, footswitch, as well as the enclosure.

I don't do a lot of pcb mount stuff because I like the freedom of putting things where I want them and sometimes that depends on the graphics and look I am going for.

Does anyone have any models/parasolids of standard pedal hardware? If not, I could maybe break the calipers out and model some up in SolidWorks or NX and share if anyone is interested? While it may seem tedious, I do this for a living and it would literally take minutes to put one of these assemblies together once you had the standard stuff modeled.


Diptrace has a library of 3d parts which can be applied to your layout and exported as step assy.  I literally just tried it yesterday on my lunch and pulled into solid works. You can DL Hammond boxes and pull those in too. I may use it to start cnc drilling my boxes.
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings



Power Pop Guy over at BYOC made a pedal builder's vector graphic pack that a lot of guys are using for layouts in Inkscape. Duct Tape Riot over there made a few videos to get people going with it. Not sure if that's what your looking for but you can knock out your graphics and layout with this set-up.


sonarchotic, thanks for that. Vector files are great for graphics and 2D layouts and I will definitely use that stuff but I am talking more .igs, .x_t, .step, .prt, etc.

mattlee0037, I have never used google sketchup, will see what it's about. I mainly use Solidworks and NX.

wgs, I will check that out as soon as possible. It sounds promising! Does putting this stuff in an assembly seem to help with enclosure layout?


Here is a pack of 3D models for components.  I use these with DipTrace for 3D modeling of PCBs but I am sure you can use them with other programs as well.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


Just tried an assy for enclosure layout on my lunch break, imported file in sw are a pain at times but not too bad.

I haven't bothered in the past due to others awesome work and drill templates.

I think it will be super helpful and I'm looking forward to doing some cnc drilling.
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


hi rullywow, could you reupload 3D models forma diptrace?