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Moodring and 1776 Modulation PCB question

Started by blearyeyes, January 01, 2018, 11:44:01 PM

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I've populated a 2014 Moodring and a 1776 Modulation add on board. The Mod board only has Depth and Speed for the LFO. All of the mods seem to be from a strip version of a board that has the delay pot on it.

Can I add the LFO to the existing 10k (space) delay pot that is on the Moodring? Here are the docs for both boards:

I wish I was smarter about electronics.


Since it is optically-based and the delay pot on the MR is only 10k the depth control may not offer much range. But, that might be a good thing since you are probably not going to want "seasick" type modulation on a reverb anyway. It would be worth a try and maybe just use a fixed resistor for the depth pot if it turns out to be too limited.


I was looking at the PT2399 application notes and the delay settings are in the Kohm range.

Pin 6 uses a 20k pot into a 1k resistor for delay setting.

The 1776 LFO board has a 1M pot and 180k resistor and seems to be outputting between 1M and 6M ohms fluxuating.

How do I get this to work?


You can add it directly and see how you like it. The more predelay on the Moodring and the more depth you'll get on the modulation. With the predelay at minimum you might not get a lot of modulation.
That was one of the reason I finally took apart the Belton Brick to modulate directly the last PT2399 in it. And also modulating the last PT2399 instead of the first (predelay in the Moodring) sounds better since you have modulated tails on the reverb.

But anyways, I think you should definitely try it and let us know how it sounds! :)


OK going straight into pin 6 I have a really cool Godzilla movie sound effect generator:



Haha weird

But I meant to connect it to the time (predelay) pot, pin2&3 (which are connected if I remember correctly)



Switched the pot on the Modulation board to a B50K and ran the output to pin 1 on the space pot B10K happiness.

The WAVY GRAVY is born!