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Pedalboard Staples

Started by greyscales, September 08, 2011, 06:40:02 PM

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Quote from: jkokura on September 09, 2011, 05:46:14 AM

Sounds like a great setup Timbo. However, we're not so much talking about our setups but rather which of the pedals we use that we could not do without. If you were to narrow it down to a few pedals on your board that you could say will always be there and never be removed, which would they be?


Wow, I see the point you are making, but it would be hard to get rid of any of it!  The bad stone could go because I use it the least, next would be the wah, and then the fuzz.  I really rely on everything else really heavily every week.  For a long time I played with just guitar, rangemaster, and an 18 watt Marshall clone.  That amp was signifigantly more dynamic in it's sensitivity to picking and guitar volume, I could get alot of good sounds out of a very simple set of tools, but I was playing alot more straightforward rock.  Now I am playing alot of contemporary Christian music and life without both delays and a high gain distortion like the uproar would be very tough.

So absolute essentials to pull of my regular Sunday morning set would be a rangemaster, uproar, aquaboy, echobase and TU2.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


I switch things up... a lot.  If I had to use just two pedals in a compact setup for a Sunday morning it would be a TIM and Carbon Copy.  Neither are on my board right now but in a stripped down setup that's what I'd use.

Contract PCB designer


Quote from: timbo_93631 on September 09, 2011, 06:03:53 PM
So absolute essentials to pull of my regular Sunday morning set would be a rangemaster, uproar, aquaboy, echobase and TU2.

That's a great setup. And almost all DIY...

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
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Quote from: jkokura on September 09, 2011, 05:46:14 AM
Quote from: dwstanford on September 09, 2011, 02:55:36 AM
Quote from: jkokura on September 09, 2011, 12:46:04 AM
On my PT-JR, the only thing that's not changing right now is the El Capistan.

How do you like the el capistan?  Ive been looking at different tape echo type pedals and ive pretty much decided on the capistan or the catalinbread montevillian echo.  I prefer the capistan, but it is pretty expensive. 

I really like it a lot! I was a little skeptical at first, but I find it's very musical and I can find many applications for it. Like I said, the only pedal on that board I can see for sure not coming off is the El Capistan.

That said, I'm very seriously contemplating selling it in order to buy the timeline. I understand that the El Capistan is a more full fledged Tape Echo pedal, but because I often use multiple delays on my board and switch between them often I'm considering moving to one strymon pedal. It's either that or getting the Brigadier to be that second pedal one day.

Quote from: timbo_93631 on September 09, 2011, 05:33:48 AM
My board:
vintage crybaby with mods (actually sits off board right, is battery powered and big) > rangemaster clone > uproar > aquaboy with dual delay (finally calibrated & working well!) > bad stone clone > one knob fuzz > echobase > TU-2.  I also have a tremolo on/off switch in a 1590A for my '61 Supro 1616t in the top left corner of my board.  All of this on a Gator Pedal Tote with the G-BUS-8 brick.  My compact music machine!

Sounds like a great setup Timbo. However, we're not so much talking about our setups but rather which of the pedals we use that we could not do without. If you were to narrow it down to a few pedals on your board that you could say will always be there and never be removed, which would they be?

when I was running a rack with a pedal drawer I used both the el cap and brigadere. I must say that they complimented each other very well. especially when I used them both at the same time. I ran them in parrallel through a line mixer. they each have features that the timelines models of tape and bb delays don't have. the brig has a longer max delay time, and the elcap has multi heads and spring reverb. Like a complete moron, I sold them to fund a couple rack units, that just didn't compete soundwize. the timeline is amazing but knowing what they all can do. If I had the elcap already and I didn't ever use midi. I'd be hard pressed to choose it and the added expense over just getting a brig. the timeline has a ton of weird delays that I'll probably never use. but the midi functionality was a much loved feature for me. either way I'm sure youd be abundantly satisfied.
I got blisters on my fingers!!!


Quote from: cjkbug on September 09, 2011, 07:07:17 PM
when I was running a rack with a pedal drawer I used both the el cap and brigadere. I must say that they complimented each other very well. especially when I used them both at the same time. I ran them in parrallel through a line mixer. they each have features that the timelines models of tape and bb delays don't have. the brig has a longer max delay time, and the elcap has multi heads and spring reverb. Like a complete moron, I sold them to fund a couple rack units, that just didn't compete soundwize. the timeline is amazing but knowing what they all can do. If I had the elcap already and I didn't ever use midi. I'd be hard pressed to choose it and the added expense over just getting a brig. the timeline has a ton of weird delays that I'll probably never use. but the midi functionality was a much loved feature for me. either way I'm sure youd be abundantly satisfied.

Thanks for the info Corey. In a perfect world I'd get all three but I can't justify that price wise. I may have to put a lot of thought into this. I'm pretty convinced I'm either going to sell the El Cap and get the Timeline, or I'm going to buy the Brig. I don't know which yet.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
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I have an older Electric Mistress and older DMM that are not lifting from my board, at least not until I build clone to replace them. I've always had a muff into a wah and try to have at least another modulation pedal for more tricks  :)
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


I guess it depends on which amp I am using (Splawn Quickrod or a MAZ18). I play Blues and 70's & 80's rock mostly. I need Clean, Crunch, and High Gain.

MUST HAVE: Empress ParaEQ to pull out that 700hz Marshall spike on the clean channel of the Splawn to get clsoer to Fender clean. A Klone for boost on the dirty channel to get from AC/DC to Van Halen.

The Boneyard would do it all on the MAZ18 set clean.

GREAT TO HAVE: Turbo tuner, Area 51 Wah, Blue Sky Reverb, Pickle Vibe.

LUXURIES: Serendipity for dumble tones, LaVache for Tweed tones, old MXR Flanger, a BYOC chorus, Chunk Chunk, subdecay phaser, and a delay.