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'bout to replace the output cap in my Fuzz Face...

Started by JakeFuzz, September 09, 2011, 10:49:16 PM

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Think this is mojo enough?  ;D  Found it sitting under a fume hood in one of the magnetics labs. 



hahahaha!!! oh my God that is the motherload of mojo right there hahaha
God bless!


I would wait for some other folks to chime in their opinions but I am really not sure the 750 rating is enough. I don't know about you but  my pedals just sound better at 800 volts. So much more headroom.


Quote from: sgmezei on September 10, 2011, 06:23:54 AM
I would wait for some other folks to chime in their opinions but I am really not sure the 750 rating is enough. I don't know about you but  my pedals just sound better at 800 volts. So much more headroom.

Haha, I love how precise the capacitance value is too, 34.79. The lab tech says he knows where a few bigger ones are. Ill see if we can find them...


I dare you to make a stomp box with them, but you have to use 1/8w resistors and SMS ICs.

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Considering how big Paul's hand is, that cap is freakin ginormous..hehe j/k  ;D
I think cjkbug has more than enough room to fit 5 of these in any of his builds..
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals