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Started by Jmilla, September 27, 2017, 07:33:27 PM

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Got the board populated by Droogie, changed out a few components to fit better with my guitar and amp. First completed project in over a year.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


cool build, what sort of fuzz sounds can you get out of this circuit?
Newbury Effects


It's a rullywow king tut. I really like big fluff variants and this one is awesome to my ears. Clipping diode choice gives nice variation. Only thing I forgot about this circuit when playing is that I went to the no diode position without adjusting volume and scared my dog Reggie half to death lol.


NIce and roomy. I dig the color. Are the gears a decal or stamp?
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


Stamp with stazon ink. Testors green with polyacrylic over the top.


Cool build and I like the gears down the middle. Just curious/nosy, what all did you change to suit your preferences (what were you going for)?

I am not a fan of the ole diode lift option in ANY circuit 99% b/c I "Reggie" myself every time.

Every. Time.


Don't know how much of a difference it made but to my ears not using the tantalum caps reduced a little bass and swapped out the diodes in the germanium spot. May go back to 1n34a though as I got a bunch of them from a friend.


I have this PCB, but haven't started the build yet. There's a mod out there somewhere that adds a resistor to even out the volume difference in the no diode mode that you might be interested in.


This is one of the best muffs I've tried. Love my build! It works very nicely on both strats and humbuckers and, to my ears, isn't a more well rounded distortion than the standard muff. Much more usable.


Nice stamp work and great color choice. The Pharaoh is in my top 5 for BMP variants. Great sounding circuit for sure.
