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Adapting SHO-ish PCBs to Super Duper 2-in-1

Started by somnif, July 15, 2017, 01:21:45 AM

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I recently built a SHO-clone for a buddy using Rullywow's OSHpark board (3$ for 3 boards is hard to beat). And since it was OSH park, I have 2 spares to play with, and I was wondering if I could adapt them to a Super Duper.

I'm pretty sure its possible, but I would like to have my logic checked before I start tossing solder around.

The Rullywow build doc:

The Super Duper schematic:

So if I am reading this correctly, The first (from input) board is built to spec, and its output goes to switch 1 as output, to switch 2 as input, to board 2 input.

Board 2 is build mostly to spec, with R4 replaced with a 100kA pot, lug 1 wired to the top R4 pad, lug 2 becomes the output, and lug 3 wired to the bottom pad of R4. (or should I have 3 on top and 1 to ground?)

Anything I'm missing here? The rullywow boards lack the power filtering of that schematic, but easy enough to add in if necessary. (the standalone I built is shockingly quiet without it, given my noisy wiring, but doubling the gain may change that).