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Electric Druid Flangelicious Flanger Project - No Bypass, No Signal

Started by yuppie, July 12, 2017, 10:55:36 AM

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Hey guys,

I bought the Flangelicious from DasMusikding & after wiring the components together there came no tone out of it...

Do you have any suggestion where & what I can debug to find the mistake?

I followed the following setup instructions:

- the construction guide from:
- and the project page:

Thanx for your support




We need a bit more info to start diagnosing things. First, read this post about tech support:

Go through it, see if you can spot anything obvious.

Post a few (clear, in focus) photos of the board, along with IC values, whether you get sound through at all, probe results, etc.

Just go through step by step and take your time. Sometimes obvious problems can be overlooked.


Thx for your fast reply :)

And sorry for my vague infos, I am new here..

I finished the setup.... wired it up and no tone came out...
After that I checked all my soldering digits and also checked the wiring stuff 3 times.
In the attachement you can see the pix of the flanger!

Thx so much 4 your support :)



Your next step should be to check the voltages on the chips. Apply power to the circuit and connect the black lead of your multimeter to a ground point.

Poke the red lead at the +9v point on the board. What does it read?
Page 4 of the construction guide has a quick spot check you can do to each IC that only takes a moment, do that first. Do the results match?

Poke each pin of the IC's individually, as well as the transistors pins. Take your time and write them down, then post them here. (you can look at the pin numberings on google)


Hey guys :)

- On the board there is 9V from Gnd to V+
- The Power Test at Page 4 of the construction guide matches also.
- On the Attachment you can see the IC's and transistor test results on a sketch & also the solder side of the board

Thx you so much!


I dont see any insulation on the pots (I think?). Try slipping something between them and the board (bit of thin plastic, even cardboard will work as a test). You don't want the bare metal of the pots to contact any of the solder points of the board.




unfortunately no sound :/ :(

What bout the measured data, are they correct?

Or can I do something else?


Nothing drastically, obviously wrong that I can see, I'm afraid, but I am admittedly relatively new at this. Maybe someone else will spot a problem.

I do see a few of your solder points are a little "under filled", but I can't see them well enough to tell if that is a drastic issue.

The next step you can try is to make an audio probe. It is a little more involved, but can give you a lot of information. Read here: (I use the socket version, personally)

Basically you stick an audio source on the input (even if its just your strumming a guitar) and poke the probe into the circuit. Start at input, then on either side of each and every component in the audio path, until you get to the point where you stop hearing noise.

However I would also recommend setting the circuit down for an hour or two. Get up, walk around, drink your stimulant of choice, play with a cat, contemplate the universe, whatever. It helps avoid frustration and can give your brain a bit to reset so problems can be spotted a bit easier.

(Unfortunately I need to head to work so I'm going to be off for a bit. Hopefully others can help!)


It looks like you soldered your transistors directly to the board. They can be rather sensitive to heat, and may be the cause of your issues. They are best installed with sockets, as they are a type of component with a higher failure rate. Best luck!


Thx @sominf!!
I will check the audio probe tomorrow or the next days :) and write you back!
The break was also good to come down!
Have a nice working day!
See ya & thx so much again!

Also Thx @ ShredderNemo!
I checked the transistors with some guy @ my university... He thinks they should be ok!
Mhmn...damn. Do you have some other ideas?



I'm not saying this is the problem. But your solder joints look like they are lacking solder. A good solder joint should look like this.

You never have a signal even when bypassed?

I have on of these pedals but a friend is borrowing it now. Unfortunately can't help you with the voltages.