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Tremolo LFO speed ranges?

Started by mjg, June 12, 2017, 06:04:41 AM

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Can anyone point me in the direction of a website that has info about typical LFO speed ranges for tremolo pedals?  I could have a guess, but something written down would be good, as this is for a school science project my kid is doing.

Failing that, I'll welcome expert opinions of forum members.  ;)

(I'm trying very hard to not take over the project, it's meant to be his work  ;D )


Electric Druid's TAPLFO chip states the following in its datasheet:

"The basic range of the TEMPO CV allows the LFO to produce frequencies between 0.05Hz (a 20 second cycle) and 12.8Hz. However, in conjunction with the MULTIPLIER CV, this range is extended to 0.025Hz (a 40-second cycle) to 100Hz."


I know the frequency range in an LFO is determined by a capacitor, and the frequency itself by a (variable) resistor. There has to be an equation out there SOMEWHERE that you can start plugging values in to figure these things out. I just don't know it off the top of my head.

The valve wizard has some stuff to say on the subject though:


Thanks heaps Somnif, those links look pretty good. 

Wow, the TAPFLO has a huge range.  I would have guessed 1-10Hz, but that thing goes way beyond. 

The kid's project is going to be a little different, no capacitors involved.  Think more along the lines of liquid getting sloshed around in a tube to make the tremolo.  I'll post a build report when it's all done.  :)