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Moodring, Smoothie, Afterlife questions.

Started by slacjs, March 28, 2017, 05:25:30 AM

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Hello, I have a few questions about replacements and parts for three pedals I'm looking to make. I live in Korea so I've been looking to get everything from Tayda as shipping is cheap and quick, however for a few bits it seems I'll have to use Smallbear and local sites.

- Trim pot, the notes say that it should be a "Bourns 3362p" however I can't find those easily, but I can get this. I'm assuming the notes say the 3362p for the size and this replacement will do fine or am is there another reason that it says this part in particular?

- 2N5457 transistor replacement? I've read a few things and I've seen boards you can buy that allow you to solder a replacement transistor to it and use those, I've also read that you can use a BF224A instead. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement that are sold already tested and paired? Thanks.

- Trim pot, same as for Smoothie.

- Belton brick, if anyone knows a place to get one of these in Korea / Asia shipped I'd be thankful. At the moment I'm looking to get it from Smallbear but it's looking like shipping is going to be 20usd.

- VTL5C3. Again, if anyone knows a place in Korea / Asia to get one I'd appreciate it, otherwise I'm going with Smallbear again.

Thanks a lot for reading this and for your help.


You can use these trimmers. They don't look as good, but they work fine.

The rest may have to come from USA or another supplier outside of Korea.

If you contact Small Bear, they will probably match a pair of 2n5457 for you.

I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".


Tayda sells the 3362s.

I don't know how much shipping is from Australia but Paul at the below link has the vactrol and he also sells SMD 5457s and little breakout boards you can mount them on.  That will fix those needs.  He might also know where you can get a brick if you email and ask him. He's a really great guy.

Google Accutronics they make a/the Belton brick and it looks like they're made in Korea.   
