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Deadringer/Fulldrive 2

Started by chip46, September 02, 2011, 08:59:50 PM

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Just finished this one up. Sounds pretty sweet. I love how the boost function adds more gain instead of just adding volume. Very useful for switching between rhythm and lead or verse and chorus. I was too excited to try it to bother painting the enclosure. I don't mind it since I'll be the only one using it.


Lol am building one for my bassist in a 1790NS, a bit overkill as it can easily fit in smaller, but I just like the look of big double stomp pedals.
Man I have about 3 build reports I need to do, need to get around to taking photos


Let me know how it sounds on bass. Seems like it would be pretty nice. I find most guitar pedals are better suited for bass than bass pedals  :D


Very slick build! I especially like the ribbon cable. Got a link for ordering some?
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Quote from: chip46 on September 02, 2011, 09:46:10 PM
Let me know how it sounds on bass. Seems like it would be pretty nice. I find most guitar pedals are better suited for bass than bass pedals  :D

A friend of mine uses one of these on his bass quite literally all the time.  It sounds great.


^^Thanks! I got mine at the local Radioshack. It's actually 4 conductor: red,white,black, and green. I just stripped the green off. Also strip the red off for when I only need two wires. Works awesome for toggle switches and pots. It's 24awg solid core though, so you have to be a little careful with excessive bending. I broke the ground wire off of my 9v jack at the pcb side on my Boneyard build. Quick fix but annoying nonetheless.

It's this stuff:

Edit: ^Sounds good. Might have to build one for my girlfriend then. She plays bass in our band.  ;D


All business.  I like that!  The daughter board for the LED resistors is a great idea.   8)


Thanks! I got tired of having wires hanging around all over the place for the LED's. I'll probably start doing these for all my builds that don't have onboard LED resistors. Makes it much easier to wire up too. One wire per LED goes to the switch, one wire for power, and the two wires for the LED itself.


I think the version I'm building IS the bass version although in terms of controls and features they are identical, I think there are just a few value changes in the circuit, haven't actually checked my schem with the deadringer one but there's bound to be a difference or two


I'll be sure to look up the bass version schematic if I build one then, thanks for the headsup. I didn't even know there was a bass version.


yeah it's called like a fulltone bassdrive or something which I think is what the one I'm building is, though I'm not sure I need to compare the values with the Deadringer BOM to see the difference.