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Cherry Pie Tap Tremolo - Question about schematic

Started by cresconio, December 29, 2016, 09:53:50 AM

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Don't you just love it when a package finally arrives, containing all missing components for projects you plan to work on? I do too, until the point I found out that I forgot to order a component a few minutes later. Won't be the last time I guess :)

In this case it looks like I need a 3k6 resistor at R16. I could just put a few resistors in series, but I really don't feel like doing that. My question is, can I simply take a 3k3 resistor instead? How would it affect the overall sound?

The BOM and schematic can be found at:


That resistor is there to provide an upper limit on the voltage of that potentiometer. It has absolutely nothing to do with the sound, but if it's an incorrect value the pot will reset to its lowest setting after the voltage exceeds the maximum, which is going to be tremendously annoying. The datasheet for the TAPLFO has some more info about the functions of the chip.

There will be a cover on the pedal and no one will ever see that you put two resistors in series or parallel. If you're too proud to leave it that way, order the correct resistor next time you buy parts.


Thanks for your help midwayfair. It's not that I'm too proud, I just like the things I'm building to be neat. Nothing wrong with that I guess.


Been there more times than I care to admit. :)

I don't have any through hole resistors anymore (I just build smd for the most part), or I'd send you one.

But there's a category on this forum called the parts jar, where people will send you that one part you don't have if you put a nice request post there.

always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Hi wcg, thank you. I'm not looking for anybody to send me a resistor. I was just hoping that it won't matter. I have a holiday coming up next week, so the plan was to finish this one. Guess I'll have to wait a bit longer until the next shipment arrives ;).