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Doing a Gain Changer -got a question

Started by Natman, November 21, 2016, 02:56:18 AM

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Hey all, I don't see many posts about this one.

I have my vero wired up as per IvIark but I can't understand the on-off-on EQ toggle.
They show a lead going to lug 1 and 3 of the switch but what about lug 2?

Thanks if you can help!


Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering.


 :-[   wow next time I'll try reading!
So does Tone 3 get connected to both then?


Yes. If you scroll down the comments someone has posted a link to the schematic.
The schem shows where all the connections are. :)
Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering.


Cool thanks galaxie!
There's something off, I wonder if I didn't wire my pots backwards. The gain & tone knobs are interacting and the tone is far from what I hear everyone rave about. Again embarrassed to ask but do you number the pot lugs 1-2-3 from the back (ie installed and working from the open enclosure) or from the front (knob side)?


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Perhaps a picture will help.  :)

This is the "standard" or, convention for numbering pots.

When wiring, say, a volume control, lug 1 would normally go to ground.
Lug 3 signal input, and of course, lug 2 would be signal out.

I tend to think of (in the case of a volume control) lug 3 as the "top" of the pot and lug 1 as the "bottom".
Again, lug 2 is signal out.

Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering.


Thank you so much guys. I got it right but something very weird going on with my tone switch. It only kinda works in the center position. In left or right, the tone knob gives odd midrange effects and turning down even increases the dirt! Need to go over every  component again cuz this ain't right.