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3PDT breakout wiring for Moar?

Started by ferrinbonn, November 14, 2016, 12:26:25 AM

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Hi guys. I'm about to build my 2nd Moar Overdrive (, using the right components this time so that it hopefully fits in the 1590G.

I picked up some of these ( to simplify the 3PDT wiring, but I'm now realizing that I'm not sure how to wire it. I'm going to wire the LED directly to the Moar board, so I'm guessing I can just leave that part out on the 3PDT board, but how do I connect the G, L, I, and O from the Moar board?

Also, when I did my last build, I followed these instructions to wire the 3PDT ( I'm assuming when using a breakout board like this, I don't need to do any of the jumpering or other wiring because the board handles that for me. Is that correct?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the noob questions. You all were great help during my first build. Can't wait to get this one done and see how it compares to the first one where I used the wrong style of caps (and did a terrible job on most of the soldering).  ;)


EI from board in EO from board out V+ and G are power and ground IJ=in jack OJ=outjack it's pretty straight forward, nothing to jumper.  If you're using the onboard led from the MOAR board, no need to use the car on the breakout board.  Looks like an awesome overdrive.
  As you get more in to building, you'll catch on to the similarities, and realize as men, we tend to overthink things and make them harder than they really are. I did that TWICE this weekend. :P Enjoy it, have fun and if you have a hunch about something, you're probably right.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Thanks so much. That's what I was suspecting, but I wanted to double check before I made a mistake. I've seen some other breakout boards online and everybody seems to use slightly different nomenclature. I still don't know enough to know how to trace the circuit so I'm working strictly from the labels.

I'm a bit gun shy since I managed to put in the IC backwards in my first build (without using a socket) and also ordering a bunch of components that were the right value but wrong size, leading to it not fitting in the enclosure. I figured I'd be safer this time by checking before I made mistakes instead of after. Live and learn.


Oh, absolutely. This whole process has been a learning experience for all of us! I've ruined my fair share of circuit boards and made loads of mistakes. Sparks, smoke, meltdowns and lifted pads. I've burned up ICs and just last month I hooked 9v to ground and  burned up everything in the board. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, and most of all, enjoy it.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.