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CE2 Clone (BYOC Analogue Chorus)

Started by raulduke, November 11, 2014, 06:14:21 PM

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mweint > The CE2 uses a triangle wave, and for a smooth vibrato a sine wave is better (I prefer it too)

I had modded my CE2B to have a sin/triangle switch as well as a vibrato switch. Can't remember what I did exactly, but you can find lots of infos online.


Very cool build Steve... worth a forum dredge for sure 8)


Mzo.FX, Owner


Cheers guys!

Can't believe this build is 2 years old... I really need to upload some more builds  ;D

Also, yep by improving for vibrato I mean the LFO shape.

I also like a bit of tone control on vibrato. I find that cutting treble makes it sound even nice (love my BYOC ultimate chorus/vibrato for this).


Damn.  That's a fine looking pedal.  I like mine.  Just modded it to include a blend and CE-2/2B switch. 


Quote from: raulduke on October 18, 2016, 11:42:14 AM
Cheers guys!

Can't believe this build is 2 years old... I really need to upload some more builds  ;D

Indeed you must 8)
Looking at your post count, almost time to party like it's 1999? ;D


Quote from: nzCdog on October 19, 2016, 12:47:51 AM
Quote from: raulduke on October 18, 2016, 11:42:14 AM
Cheers guys!

Can't believe this build is 2 years old... I really need to upload some more builds  ;D

Indeed you must 8)
Looking at your post count, almost time to party like it's 1999? ;D

Ha ha too right.

And I'll try to celebrate by posting a build report or two  ;)


Ah I see. Thanks for the info.  I also found that the vibrato signal is a lot quieter than the dry so after  just cutting the dry there's a pretty big volume drop when the effect is turned on.  Was that your experience too?