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First Madbean build

Started by jonnygreentrees, September 26, 2016, 12:43:49 PM

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Bangarang's Mutron Phasor II clone.

I've built quite a few kits before but this is my first build (forgetting about my failed Clarinot) on single sided copper etch and my first build where I drilled my own enclosure.

Pretty pleased with how it's turned out


Wow! That is a killer decal. Post a gut shot too.




Guts are a bit of a mess, most of the offboard wiring could be a lot shorter but I just wanted to get it boxed up


Looks Awesome!!! Great job, looking forward to seeing more of your builds.


I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


Nice work! I dig the graphic and the inside doesn't look as bad as you describe.

We're such an odd lot (builders) when it comes to insisting on gut shots. I mean, I get the curiosity (I certainly am nosy enough to want a peek inside), but with very few exceptions do I see guts that don't fall in the category of "seen better/seen worse". It is neat to see what is going on in there and how different folks approach similar projects.


Looks great! I agree, don't worry about those guts too much. I had a bit of trouble getting the wiring on my Nutron that clean either, mainly due to the pot wiring.


A bit of slack is handy too if you need to do any troubleshooting!  8)


Quote from: mrclean77 on September 26, 2016, 02:07:15 PM
Nice work! I dig the graphic and the inside doesn't look as bad as you describe.

We're such an odd lot (builders) when it comes to insisting on gut shots. I mean, I get the curiosity (I certainly am nosy enough to want a peek inside), but with very few exceptions do I see guts that don't fall in the category of "seen better/seen worse". It is neat to see what is going on in there and how different folks approach similar projects.

Agree, and well said. Great build.
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


I love that artwork!

Also, high five for using the black laminate clad. I love that stuff. Look forward to seeing more from ya.



Looks super! I should really box mine up...such a nice sounding phaser.



Quote from: madbean on September 26, 2016, 11:43:43 PM
Looks super! I should really box mine up...such a nice sounding phaser.


It sounded great but really subtle. The build doc only specifies a 5mm yellow LED which is what I bought, but when I looked at the Tayda LED Bangarang had bought for his original project it is 2000-3000mcd whereas the one I bought from Bitsbox in the UK is only 36mcd. I have now removed my original LED and am awaiting a 2500mcd LED.

So word to the wise, use a 2000-3000mcd yellow diffused LED for the correct effect